Rhino is an excellent tool for any maker. If you want to get your feet wet now is your chance. I'll be teaching the Continuing Education course starting in January at CCS. I need at least 5 students to run the class so sign-up and tell your friends. It's going to be fun!

3D Modeling: Rhino®
This course introduces 3D software used widely by designers, entertainment artists, craftsman, and sculptors. Emphasis will be placed on building confidence in your capacity to navigate the program while demonstrating a variety of potential uses including: Accurately modeling fairly complex 3D models, Applying materials and rendering scenes for proposals, Creating 2D layouts and cut-lists, Exporting STL files for use in CNC machines and rapid prototyping systems. You are encouraged to have original designs/project ideas ready to be prototyped during the class.
Tuesday, 7:15-10 pm
January 26-April 6, no class March 9 (10 sessions)